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20 min. Yeast-Free, Gluten-Free Italian Bread & Easy Mezzetta Olive Tapenade

My favorite holiday memories are of having lots of family and friends over for big meals. I love doing the cooking, preparing holiday recipes, the noise and laughter in the house, and of course, eating the food. I've happily adapted most of my old recipes to gluten-free but I had one more challenge. I was missing crusty chewy   Italian bread that I could make into Crostini! I've always loved warm toasted chewy bites of Italian bread at holiday parties. Topped with Tapenade or made into Bruschetta, they are my favorite appetizers, but I hadn't quite found the right gluten-free flour blend to achieve that wonderful chewiness, until now! I'm so excited to share my NEW 20-minute Gluten-free, Yeast-free, Egg-Free, and Xanthan Gum-Free Italian Bread Rolls with you and did I say, they only take 20 minutes? No yeast, no rising and so easy to make. This amazing dough is also perfect patted out thin for flatbread or pizza crust. Scroll down to see my new Pizza crust u

Spicy Gluten Free Gingerbread Recipe, dairy free

Gingerbread...So rich and spicy that it warms my soul. I curl up with a book, a cup of tea and my gingerbread and life is good!  I made mine with my Truvia Stevia Baking blend, but you can substitute a low glycemic sugar, like honey or coconut sugar if you prefer.  I hope you enjoy this beautifully moist cake!  
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Gluten-Free Gingerbread

  • 1⅔ cups gluten-free All-purpose Flour see below (add 3/4 tsp xanthan if your mix doesn't include it)
  • 1¼ teaspoons gluten-free baking soda
  • 2½ teaspoons gluten-free pure ground ginger
  • 1¾ teaspoons gluten-free pure cinnamon
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 1/2 cup coconut palm sugar or 1/4 cup Truvia Stevia Baking blend
  • 1/2 cup molasses
  • 1/4 cup plain unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/4 cup oil of choice
  • ½ cup boiling water (as needed)
❧ Gluten-free Confectioner’s sugar, for dusting, opt or fresh whipped cream


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Position rack in center of oven. Lightly grease an 8x8-inch square cake pan with cooking spray.
2. Place flour, baking soda, xanthan gum(if it's not in your mix), ginger, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl of electric mixer and mix at low speed until thoroughly combined.
3. Add egg, sugar, molasses, applesauce and oil and mix until smooth, about 1 minute. Pour 1/2 of the boiling water over batter and mix until smooth, about 30 seconds.  Add more if it's too thick until you have a smooth batter
4. Pour batter into prepared pan and bake in center of preheated oven for 35 minutes or until top springs back when touched and a toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean.
5. Cool cake in pan on a rack for 5 minutes.  Sift confectioner’s sugar over cake or top with a GF whipped topping.

All purpose flour mix -
1 1/4 C (170 g) brown rice flour
1 1/4 C (205 g) white rice flour
1 C (120 g) tapioca flour
1 C (165 g) sweet rice flour
2 scant tsp. xanthan gum
Read your labels or call the company to be sure your ingredients are Gluten Free

Sift all flours together well and store excess in the fridge.  Use as needed for recipe.


  1. Thanks for sharing on Allergy-Free Wednesday! Hope you'll join us again this week with another great recipe!

  2. Hi Janelle! I would love to post again on your blog. Thanks for asking!! hugs xx Ali


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