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20 min. Yeast-Free, Gluten-Free Italian Bread & Easy Mezzetta Olive Tapenade

My favorite holiday memories are of having lots of family and friends over for big meals. I love doing the cooking, preparing holiday recipes, the noise and laughter in the house, and of course, eating the food. I've happily adapted most of my old recipes to gluten-free but I had one more challenge. I was missing crusty chewy   Italian bread that I could make into Crostini! I've always loved warm toasted chewy bites of Italian bread at holiday parties. Topped with Tapenade or made into Bruschetta, they are my favorite appetizers, but I hadn't quite found the right gluten-free flour blend to achieve that wonderful chewiness, until now! I'm so excited to share my NEW 20-minute Gluten-free, Yeast-free, Egg-Free, and Xanthan Gum-Free Italian Bread Rolls with you and did I say, they only take 20 minutes? No yeast, no rising and so easy to make. This amazing dough is also perfect patted out thin for flatbread or pizza crust. Scroll down to see my new Pizza crust u

Really Good Low Carb Gluten Free Bread, bread machine & xanthan free option

The lower the carbs the better in my book! That way I can eat more!
I adore gluten-free bread, but I also love my jeans, so I've been working hard to make a Low Carb bread that tastes great and it even has a soft holey crumb
My new Low Carb Gluten Free Bread tastes so good and you can make it without xanthan gum!  It works great in the oven or the Bread Machine. Can't have flax seeds?  Try my new Low Carb Chia Bread instead! 

I'm just thrilled that with this new low carb bread!  

Your dough needs to be the consistency of very thick cake batter.  I make this recipe in the oven but it works great in the bread machine too, just use your gluten free setting and instructions. Or use my easy instructions on my Spectacular GF Bread if you have an older machine like I do. 
My first try was with golden flax meal and I loved it. I used brown flax seeds the next time and it was just as good but nuttier.  I do like that the golden flax flavor is a little milder.  I grind my flaxseeds in a coffee mill until they become a light and powdery flour.  Always keep your flaxseeds in the fridge or freezer.  Discard them if they have a sour or fishy smell. 

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Makes one loaf  of bread

Spray your large loaf/bread pan with cooking oil


  • 1 cup fresh gluten free golden or brown flax meal, finely ground to flour
  • 1 tablespoon xanthan gum  (xanthan free substitution-  2 tablespoons ground psyllium husks) 
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 1/2 cups gluten free Bob's Red Mill Garbanzo bean flour (for Paleo use Almond Meal Flour)
  • 1/2 cup gluten free potato starch or arrowroot starch
  • 1 scoop low carb gluten free whey protein powder or powdered milk or dairy free alternative.
  • 4 teaspoons active dry yeast.  I use SAF
  • 2 tablespoons local honey
  • 1/2 cup + (as needed) warm water (105° degrees)
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil or olive oil  
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter


You can also make this in your Bread Machine.  For instructions on how I make all of my bread recipes in my Bread Machine see my post here!

  1. Combine the dry ingredients, flax meal flour, bean flour, potato starch, xanthan gum (or 2 tablespoons of psyllium is you are not using xanthan gum) whey protein powder (if using), sugar, salt and yeast in the large bowl of a stand mixer. (Make sure all ingredients are room temperature before you start) 
  2. In a separate bowl, combine the warm water, eggs, olive oil, almond butter, coconut oil, applesauce and honey. Add to the dry ingredients.  Beat a medium-high speed for 5 minutes, or until the mixture is smooth and thick. Add additional warm water, 1 tablespoon at a time, if necessary to achieve this consistency.
  3. Add the dough to a greased bread pan with high sides. Let rise apx 30 minutes or until bread is up to the top of the pan, in a warm draft-free space. 
  4. I heat the oven for a few minutes to 100 and then turn off. Wait a few minutes and then put the bread in the oven to rise.
  5. Once the dough has risen, carefully remove from oven. Do not knock down.
  6. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  7. Bake apx 45 minutes or until brown and internal temp reads 200 degrees. I use a thermometer to check temp.  Turn onto a wire rack and cool before slicing.
Notes and Substitutions-
  • Psyllium husks are great for bread structure and can be found for a reasonable price at health food stores, but if you can't find them, you can use xanthan gum or guar gum. 
  • Whey Protein powder also adds to the nutritional value and structure but you can try substituting 1/4 cup dry milk for the whey powder to achieve the thick batter needed. 
  • Garbanzo bean flour is high in protein and there is no aftertaste when baked! You can substitute it for another whole grain flour if you can't have beans.  I would suggest Buckwheat flour.
  • I can't guarantee you will get my same results if you change the ingredients.  
  • I bake in a very humid climate.  If your climate is dry you may need a little additional warm water for your dough.  It should look like very thick sticky cake batter.   
  •  Happy Baking!
To make hamburger rolls or bread sticks, just scoop this dough into bun shapes, muffin pans, or bread stick pans. Let rise in a warm place to desired height. Bake- For bread sticks, bake 15 to 20 minutes; for rolls, bake 20 to 25 minutes.


    1. Why can't I access the link to the bread machine instructions?

      1. Hi Bini, I don't know why it's not working for you. I checked all the links and they worked for me. Here is the link again and you can also find it on my Home page. Thanks for letting me know you were having troubles. Happy baking! http://glutenfreehomebakery.blogspot.com/2012/08/spectacular-gluten-free-bread-in-bread.html

    2. Hi Ali, Thanks for your useful blog! Have you tried making hamburger buns with this dough? Just making sure that they will look similar to normal buns (as my bf is picky). Also, I don't have a stand mixer. I have a food processor and a strong + quite big stick mixer (which I use to make soups in a large le creuset pot and is basicall a stick with a circular bit at the end with 3 sharp blades that swivel around). I also have a hand-held traditional electric whisker (2 small whisks). Which of these would you recommend using? Thanks!

      1. Hi! No I haven't tried making this dough into buns but I would be glad to test it for you. I'll mix it up in the morning! I was needing some hamburger buns anyway so your timing is great. I'll work them in the food processor and with my hand held mixer so that I can tell you what to use. I'm crazy about my stick blender but that won't work for this dough. ahhh...le creuset... I have only two casseroles and guard them with my life :) FYI, I also have a popular hamburger bun recipe on the blog. Here's the link. I know your BF will love them too! http://glutenfreehomebakery.blogspot.com/2012/06/gluten-free-hamburger-buns.html I'll post here tomorrow with the results! Ali

    3. You mention sugar in the instructions but don't list it in the ingredients. Is there sugar in the recipe?

      1. Hi Kate, Thanks for catching that! I use honey or sugar to activate the yeast in all of my bread recipes. You can use either one.

    4. Whenever I click on your link to see the instructions for this recipe using a Bread Machine it get an message that reads: Your current account does not have access to view this page. Help!!

      1. I'm so sorry! I'll do a little research to see what the problem is and get back to you. You can email me at aliwill70@gmail.com and I can send you the recipe that way too. As a matter of fact I'm working on a new update for this recipe today!

      2. Here's the link for the Spectacular Bread Machine recipe and you can also find it on the Home page. http://glutenfreehomebakery.blogspot.com/2012/08/spectacular-gluten-free-bread-in-bread.html#.U6sD7fldXpw

    5. Hi Ali,
      I'm curious about your interpretation of "paleo". I've been following the paleo lifestyle for two years and have never seen any version that includes legumes, so the garbanzo bean flour seems to me to make this recipe not exactly paleo. That plus the whey powder, which comes from dairy, which isn't paleo, though it is "primal" -- in fact dairy is the key difference between paleo and primal. Do you have a suggestion for a true paleo substitute for the bean flour? I'm wondering if almond flour might work, especially finely ground like Honeyville brand? The recipe sounds super otherwise, and I'm tempted to go off my diet just to try it!

      1. Hi! you are absolutely correct that legumes are not Paleo, but bean flour gives bread such a great texture that I thought it was worth using. I have always said that I'm not a strict Paleo follower, but I do usually list alternative ingredients for someone who is. I have now updated the recipe with suggestions but I haven't tried it yet myself. I hope you will come back and tell us how it turns out! Thanks so much for commenting.

    6. Hi. Do you have this recipe with the bread maker instructions? The link you posted in the comments is a different recipe. I was hoping to use this one and the link to the bread machine option does not work. Thanks very much. Looking forward to trying it.

      1. Hi Janel, the link to my Spectacular Bread has the bread machine instructions that I use for all of my breads. I tried the links and they work for me but here's the address if the link isn't working for you. You can copy it into your browser. http://www.skinnygfchef.com/2012/08/spectacular-gluten-free-bread-in-bread.html Let me know if you need anything thing else. I'm happy to help!

      2. Thanks Ali - I saw that link in the other comments. I was however looking for just the bread machine instructions to the recipe above w the almond butter and applesauce. That link has an entirely different recipe? Thanks!

      3. Yes, it is a different recipe but I use exactly the same procedure with every bread recipe that I cook in my Bread Machine. I do the liquids first, then the flour mixture and then the yeast. That's what works best for my machine but read your instructions in case it's different in your machine. So in the recipe above mix all of the dry ingredients in a large bowl, except for the yeast. Set the yeast aside or proof it with a bit of the warm water and sugar if you want to be sure it's active. Mix the rest of the wet ingredients and pour into your machine. Add the dry ingredients. Put the yeast on top and turn your machine on to the gluten free cycle. Check after mixing and kneading to see what the consistency is. If too dry add a tablespoon at a time of more warm water. If too wet, like cake batter, add a tablespoon at a time of more bean flour. If you go to the Spectacular recipe you can read how I make mine in an older machine too. I hope this helps and your bread turns out great! xo

    7. Hi! Just curious carb per slice? Also any way to substitute the starch?

      1. Hi Farz, check online for a nutrition calculator. I know there are some good ones. It depends on how you slice your bread so I can't give you a good answer on that. As far as starch goes, you need it for texture, but if you don't like potato starch, try arrowroot instead.

    8. Hi, Im new to low carb and bread makers. I tried making low carb bread myself-DISASTER! Two bricks, that tasted like dirt! Im trying to find a replacement for white bread, thats low carb and tastes like white bread. Me for the low carbs, my husband, because hes diabetic, loves bread-white bread. and wont give it up! Any help with recipes and type of bread maker to buy, would be Most appreciated!

      1. Good morning! I'm sure you don't need to tell your hubby that white bread is making him sick, but I understand how hard it is to give up comfort food. I used to eat gluten full food and loved diet pop so I know how he feels, but if we want to live a long life, we have to give up the bad stuff. This bread will taste denser to him but I think he will really like it. Adding a tablespoon more honey makes my hubby happy and remember, there is no bread or baked goods that are safe in large quantities for a diabetic. Please have him follow his doctor's advice on what he should eat. Come find me on FB and I will help you whenever you need tips. Thanks and best wishes

    9. Just made this and failed completely. I followed the recipe adding 1 extra tbspn water. Came out like a brick. Gluten free bread i find is hit n miss for me. Really hard to figure out exactly how wet the dough should be. Mine was pretty sticky n wet. I let it rise for an hour! No go for me ugh

      1. Hi Farz, I'm sorry it didn't work for you, but I'm here to help! I sounds like your dough was too thick. Do you see my picture above. The dough should look like thick cake batter and you shouldn't have to let it rise for an hour. Take that failed loaf and cut it up into croutons or process into breadcrumbs. Then come find me on FB so I can chat with you faster. You can also email me at skinnygfchef@gmail.com Don't give up, we will have you making great bread before you know it!

    10. Hello, what can I substitute for flaxseed. My son is allergic. Thank you!

    11. Hello Aleda, can he have Chia? That would be my best recommendation. In fact, I make my breads with Chia most of the time now and love them. If you go to the index you can find my Chia recipe too. I hope that helps!

    12. I just made your recipe and it was delicious! I used almond flour instead of garbanzo bean flour. I used plant protein instead of whey protein since I am allergic to whey. And I used corn starch instead of potato starch since that is all that I had available. Other than that, I followed the recipe and it came out perfect! Thank you!

      1. Hi Tish! and hooray! I'm so happy that you love the bread. I make it with almond flour now too. I think it's moister and holds the rise better. Great job and thanks so much for commenting!

    13. Hi. This ingredient has me scratching my head: "1 scoop low carb gluten free whey protein powder or powdered milk or dairy free alternative". What is a "scoop" equal to? My scoop may not be the same size as your scoop. Also are the substitutions for the gluten free why protein powder 1 for 1? Finally, what size loaf does this recipe make?

      1. Hi, Phil. Sorry for the late reply. That's a great question! My scoop is 29 grams or appx 1 ounce. You could also try using fine almond meal or dry coconut milk powder instead. Thanks for asking!

    14. Bread tasted awesome but didn't rise much , pretty heavy .Any thoughts ? I may have accidentally used 2 tbsp of xanthan gum instead of 1 .Would that have made a difference ?

      1. Hi Peggy, yes, too much xanthan makes the bread heavy and gluey. Sorry that happened to you! Hope you tried again.

    15. What size loaves does this make? I have a 2 pound bread maker and I'm not sure if this will be the right size

    16. Yes, that's perfect, your machine is the same size as mine!


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