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20 min. Yeast-Free, Gluten-Free Italian Bread & Easy Mezzetta Olive Tapenade

My favorite holiday memories are of having lots of family and friends over for big meals. I love doing the cooking, preparing holiday recipes, the noise and laughter in the house, and of course, eating the food. I've happily adapted most of my old recipes to gluten-free but I had one more challenge. I was missing crusty chewy   Italian bread that I could make into Crostini! I've always loved warm toasted chewy bites of Italian bread at holiday parties. Topped with Tapenade or made into Bruschetta, they are my favorite appetizers, but I hadn't quite found the right gluten-free flour blend to achieve that wonderful chewiness, until now! I'm so excited to share my NEW 20-minute Gluten-free, Yeast-free, Egg-Free, and Xanthan Gum-Free Italian Bread Rolls with you and did I say, they only take 20 minutes? No yeast, no rising and so easy to make. This amazing dough is also perfect patted out thin for flatbread or pizza crust. Scroll down to see my new Pizza crust u

Gluten Free Fig Newton Cookies

These are my hubby's favorite cookies.  If I have time I reconstitute the figs overnight in the grape juice or some wine to make them extra yummy.  And lately I've been replacing the xanthan gum in my recipes and using psyllium husks instead for my binder. It's working great and my stomach feels much better.  Hope you try them and enjoy.  You might also like my favorite the Big Soft Molasses cookie!
Linked to Allergy Free Wednesdays

Gluten Free Fig Newton Cookies

1 cup dried figs
1/4 cup grape juice
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup coconut palm sugar or equivalent sugar substitute
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons molasses
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2 cups gluten free sorghum flour
  • 1/2 cup gluten free tapioca flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon McCormicks gluten free ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon McCormicks gluten free nutmeg
  • 3/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon psyllium husks (I prefer) or xanthan gum


1. Add dried figs to your food processor or blender and blend for 30 seconds or until they are pulverized.  Add vanilla, lemon juice and then just enough grape juice to process until a thick smooth paste results. Set aside
3. In a large bowl, sift and combine the dry ingredients.  Stir in psyllium husks or xanthan gum
4. In a smaller bowl, combine the wet ingredients and whisk to combine well
5. Mix wet ingredients into dry, you should have a firm dough.  If necessary you can add a little more flour a tablespoon at a time. Refrigerate dough for 1 hour
6. Divide chilled dough into 4 parts
7. Between 2 pieces of parchment paper,  roll one part of the dough into a 10 x 4 inch rectangle, about a ¼ inch thick
8. Spread ¼ of the filling evenly down the right side (lengthwise) of the rectangle
9. Fold the dough in half down the long side resulting in a 10 x 2 inch bar
10. Press the seam to seal. I use a fork
11. Repeat with 3 remaining parts of dough and filling
12. Transfer each bar to a parchment lined baking sheet; bake at 350° for 10-15 minutes
13. Allow to cool slightly; cut bar every 2 inches to form the fig newtons

Makes 2 dozen cookies


  1. Homemade fig newtons that my whole gluten free family can eat?! Yes please! These look absolutely scrumptious and I love the use of psyllium husk in your recipe :)

    1. Hi sweetie, yes and yay!! I hope your family loves them!! xx


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