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20 min. Yeast-Free, Gluten-Free Italian Bread & Easy Mezzetta Olive Tapenade

My favorite holiday memories are of having lots of family and friends over for big meals. I love doing the cooking, preparing holiday recipes, the noise and laughter in the house, and of course, eating the food. I've happily adapted most of my old recipes to gluten-free but I had one more challenge. I was missing crusty chewy   Italian bread that I could make into Crostini! I've always loved warm toasted chewy bites of Italian bread at holiday parties. Topped with Tapenade or made into Bruschetta, they are my favorite appetizers, but I hadn't quite found the right gluten-free flour blend to achieve that wonderful chewiness, until now! I'm so excited to share my NEW 20-minute Gluten-free, Yeast-free, Egg-Free, and Xanthan Gum-Free Italian Bread Rolls with you and did I say, they only take 20 minutes? No yeast, no rising and so easy to make. This amazing dough is also perfect patted out thin for flatbread or pizza crust. Scroll down to see my new Pizza crust u

Paleo Cauliflower "pasta" Primavera, gluten free

I'm enjoying Pasta Primavera without the pasta!
Hubby is out tonight with the boys and I'm making dinner for just me. My first love is pasta but I'm off carbs for awhile. That's why I came up with this Paleo Cauliflower Pasta Primavera Recipe!
I was going through my veggie drawer and I started thinking that using my organic cauliflower would give this dish the "al dente" texture that I crave. It even looks and tastes like Pasta Primavera when you coated in sauce and Parmesan...
I feel like I just had a big plate of pasta!  hashtag happiness

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  • 1 head of cauliflower, cored and separated into florets
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/2 red onion, chopped
  • 3 large cloves garlic, chopped
  • 8 mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 cups (or large handful) spinach 
  • 28 oz canned chopped tomatoes with juice
  • 1 tablespoon or to taste, Italian seasoning blend.   I buy My Spice Sage Italian Seasoning
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Dash or two of gluten free hot sauce, like Tapatio
  • 3 ounces shredded parmesan cheese
  1. In a large cast iron skillet on medium heat add the olive oil and butter.  Add the onion and garlic and saute until the onions are translucent.
  2. Add the mushrooms and continue to cook, stirring often.
  3. Heat water to boiling in a large pan, add a steamer basket or steamer pan.  Add the cauliflower florets into the steamer. Cover with lid and steam for apx 10 minutes or until just tender. Reduce heat a bit if needed. 
  4. Add fresh spinach to skillet and saute until wilted. Add tomatoes, spices, salt and pepper. Careful not to salt too much as the parmesan will add more. Stirring often cook until reduced and thickened.  Add hot sauce and more seasonings to taste.
  5. Remove cauliflower from the pot and roughly chop.  Add to the sauce and cook for a few minutes until coated. 
Note- you can use 3 1/2 cups fresh tomatoes. Cover with boiling water for a minute, drain, add ice water to cool, drain and peel off skins.  Be sure to retain all juice when chopping and add to sauce.  
