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20 min. Yeast-Free, Gluten-Free Italian Bread & Easy Mezzetta Olive Tapenade

My favorite holiday memories are of having lots of family and friends over for big meals. I love doing the cooking, preparing holiday recipes, the noise and laughter in the house, and of course, eating the food. I've happily adapted most of my old recipes to gluten-free but I had one more challenge. I was missing crusty chewy   Italian bread that I could make into Crostini! I've always loved warm toasted chewy bites of Italian bread at holiday parties. Topped with Tapenade or made into Bruschetta, they are my favorite appetizers, but I hadn't quite found the right gluten-free flour blend to achieve that wonderful chewiness, until now! I'm so excited to share my NEW 20-minute Gluten-free, Yeast-free, Egg-Free, and Xanthan Gum-Free Italian Bread Rolls with you and did I say, they only take 20 minutes? No yeast, no rising and so easy to make. This amazing dough is also perfect patted out thin for flatbread or pizza crust. Scroll down to see my new Pizza crust u

Best Chia Grain Free Bread in the Bread Machine! gluten free

Gluten Free Low Carb Bread in the Bread Machine
My Best Skinny Chia Gluten Free & Grain Free Bread in the Bread Machine!
We love this new Gluten Free Low Carb Chia Bread!  I've been working with Chia a lot lately and it's just wonderful in this bread. It makes for a moist crumb and it's so easy to slice for sandwiches...
Did you know that a chia seed can absorb more than twelve times its own weight in water? When eaten, the gel that forms in the stomach creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes. This prolongs the time it takes our bodies to break down the carbs into sugar, which helps stabilize our metabolism!
Gluten-Free and Grain Free Bread Recipe for Bread Machine
I'm very proud to share my new Chia Gluten Free & Grain Free Bread with you.  I've been making it for months with little tweaks here and there until I can finally say it's truly my best!  Friends and family concur, so I think we've got a winner here!  I can't wait to hear what do you think!

Once you've made bread for awhile it becomes second nature and so fast and easy.  Just pull out all of your ingredients and let them sit on the counter to warm up while you do something else.  I keep my flours in the fridge so they will stay fresh, but you don't want to use cold flour or your yeast won't rise!
Chia gives the bread a delicate flavor. It tastes just like real bread! I think it's much better than flax seed in flavor and a healthier option in my opinion plus the texture is light but firm enough to cut thinly for sandwiches with ease.
I'm not going to calculate carbs because there's always some carbs even in the lowest low carb flours. As far as substitutions go, well, you can play around a bit, but please try the recipe as written and I think you'll be thrilled.  I've made it with both the xanthan gum and psyllium husks.  It comes out perfect with either one.

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So here you go darlings, my Best Gluten Free and Grain Free Bread!

Put the ingredients in your Bread Maker in this order.  All ingredients must be room temp.

Wet Ingredients: (bottom layer)
  • 1 cup warm water (80 degrees)
  • 3 large organic eggs, warmed in the cup of water to room temp
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar
  • Whisk together and pour into machine or follow your machine's instructions.

Dry Ingredients (2nd layer) Mix and sift.  Regrind any large bits
Top Layer (do not let the yeast touch wet liquids until the machine starts mixing) or follow your machines instructions.
  1. Follow the Bread Machine instructions on my Spectacular Gluten Free Bread in the Bread Machine!
  2. It's as easy as the steps above.  Just make sure your yeast is fresh.  You can test some in a little warm water with a bit of sugar to see if it activates and doubles. If not, throw out and buy new. I keep mine in the freezer. 
  3. Lets talk water.  Gluten Free bread dough cannot be dry or overly wet.  Start with one cup of water and add a little more if your dough is too dry and the flour isn't mixing in well. If it's too dry it won't rise and if it's too wet it won't stay up after rising.  The dough should be very thick and a little sticky.  This dough is slightly firmer than my Spectacular Gluten Free Bread.   
  4. Once it's done kneading I smooth the top (quickly to keep it warm in the machine) and add a little splash more of olive or coconut oil before it rises. 

  • Don't have a Bread Machine? You can also beat all of the ingredients in the large bowl of your mixer, add to a large 8 1/2x4 1/2 inch greased bread pan to rise for apx 30 minutes or more as needed in a warm location. Bake at a 350 degree F for apx 30-40 minutes or until a thermometer inserted registers 195-200 degrees F and comes out clean. 
  • Let me know what you think and if you need any help!
  • Comments

    1. Replies
      1. I love this bread and have been making it weekly for about a year. Thank you for this recipe! Is there any way you can let me know the nutritional content? Specifically calories, protein, fat and carbohydrates. I'm thinking of getting my mom to try but is on caloric restrictions. Thank you!


      1. Thanks, I'm so happy you liked it! Next up is French Bread Baguettes! I hope you'll come join us on FB and say hi. Blessings to you too.

      2. This is an amazing recipe. So many gluten free recipes are unforgiving and thjs one is not! I am an experienced baker and had to go gluten free last year. I have tired at least 10-15 gluten free bread recipes but not have been happy with ANY of them for many reasons. One is many do not have the same texture as gluten bread they tend to fall apart and are dry. It is wonderful that you do not also need to use any gums in the recipe.. Ali's chia seed bread recipe has wonderful texture, does not fall apart and is not dry! I was able to eat a hamburger on it and it did not fall apart!

        I made a second loaf this week and both times I did not use a bread machine. The second loaf I sub ground sunflower seeds for the almond flour and the bread came out amazing! This weekend I am going to sub ground flax seed meal for the chia seeds and I will report back.

        Thank you Ali for this bread recipe. I am going to try your millet french bread next!


      3. Thank you, Lisa! I've enjoyed our communications so much and really appreciate your feedback. I can't wait to hear about more successes in the future! If there is ever a specific recipe you need converted to gluten free please let me know and I would be happy to work on it for you!

    3. I'm confused on the quantity of psyllium husk. Should it be 1 tbsp like the xanthum gum. 4 tbsp seems like a lot

      1. Hi Maureen, I found that psyllium doesn't perform quite as well as xanthan in heavier breads. The amount in the recipe is correct and works well to keep the rise! Hope you enjoy :)

    4. Is it necessary to use the SAF instant yeast or will regular yeast work?

      1. Dorothea, any fast acting yeast will do! I like SAF because it tastes better to me. Be sure to check the SAF website for suggestions on conversions if you go with other types of yeast. Here's a bit of what they say and the site. Conversion rates, if the recipe calls for:
        Active dry yeast - use about 25% less SAF® Gourmet Perfect RiseYeast or use SAF® Traditional Active Dry Perfect Rise Yeast.

        Instant, or Fast Risting yeast - use about the same amount of SAF® Gourmet Perfect Rise Yeast and adjust downward, if necessary.

        0.6 ounces of cake yeast - use about 1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons of SAF® Gourmet Perfect RiseYeast.

        Thanks for asking!

      2. I used Red Star instant yeast and it worked beautifully. We loved this bread which was made specifically for my grandson who is gluten intolerant. I'll be making it again!

      3. As a side note, those who are allergic to bananas should not use the pysllium husk as it is related to the plantain/banana plant. I found out the hard way.

    5. Hi there
      Is there an alternative to the milk powder as my twins are dairy-free...?
      Many thanks

      1. Hi Suzie, dry coconut milk powder is a good alternative but it's a bit pricey. I just use more almond meal when I'm out of dry milk. Hope your twins enjoy the bread!

    6. Hi Ali, I LOVE this bread! On the days that I cook it hot for lunch.....I can't wait for the timer to go off and eat some....Soooo Yummy! Thanks so much for sharing :) Kim.

      1. Hi!! I LOVE it too!! I'm so glad it makes you happy. It's my go to bread and I love playing with the ingredients. I'm going to do some updates to the recipe soon, so I hope you check back! Thanks so much for the awesome comment. Hugs! <3

    7. love this bread because it is actually substantial and healthy, not just white flour and starches! This is my first homemade gf bread that I really LIKE. first time I made it in bread machine following normal settings (i guess it rose twice?) and i wasn;t thrilled with the appearance but it had pretty good flavor and texture. Second time, I let it knead ONLY in bread machine. Then I rolled it into 13 rolls, let it rise in warm oven for 50min, then turned oven to 350, never taking out the rolls, and put timer on for 20min. These rolls are to die for!!! THis is my recipe and I'm sticking to it! Thanks for creating it Ali :) ~Amanda

      1. Hey, Amanda! Yes, the knockdown hasn't worked for me either but I'm impressed that you figured it out and didn't give up! Great job and thank you for the lovely comment! yay for bread!

    8. Omg, thank you so much for this recipe! I just sample my loaf from the bread maker and it's just as you described, moist,and full of flavor. I'm a novice at bread making and now with my celiac it's a necessity to be gluten free. I wasn't pleased with the bread maker recipe and found yours. I am very happy to have. New go to bread recipe. �� Cindy

      1. Oh, Cindy. You have no idea how happy that makes me. I love hearing from people, like you, who needed this bread as much as I did. So glad I could help you. hugs

    9. What can I use in place of the coconut flour? I have a daughter who is allergic to coconut. Thank you for your help!

      1. Good morning! I'm so glad you asked! I have been out of coconut flour for the last few loaves and it works just fine with the following subs-
        Instead of the 1/4 c coconut flour, use 1/4 c ground psyillium husks and delete the additional psyillium in recipe.
        Or instead of 1/4 c coconut flour, use 1/4 c tapioca starch.
        Hope that helps! Happy bread 🍞 making!

    10. Hi. Does your bread toast well in the toaster? Thanks!

      1. This is my go to bread and it slices and toasts beautifully! But unlike commercial brands, it stays soft and delicious, so no toasting is required unless you want to. Lately, I've been subbing part of the water for my sourdough starter and my loaves are huge. It's a great recipe to play with. Thanks for asking!

    11. Hi Ali! Happy New Year.

      Thank you for this recipe! I would like to make it w/o eggs. I have trouble digesting them! Do you think flax or chia eggs would work?



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    Thank you so much for your comments and questions. I respond as fast as I can, so please be sure to check back for your answer. By leaving a comment you are consenting to your email being collected for communication purposes only. Blessings, Ali