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20 min. Yeast-Free, Gluten-Free Italian Bread & Easy Mezzetta Olive Tapenade

My favorite holiday memories are of having lots of family and friends over for big meals. I love doing the cooking, preparing holiday recipes, the noise and laughter in the house, and of course, eating the food. I've happily adapted most of my old recipes to gluten-free but I had one more challenge. I was missing crusty chewy   Italian bread that I could make into Crostini! I've always loved warm toasted chewy bites of Italian bread at holiday parties. Topped with Tapenade or made into Bruschetta, they are my favorite appetizers, but I hadn't quite found the right gluten-free flour blend to achieve that wonderful chewiness, until now! I'm so excited to share my NEW 20-minute Gluten-free, Yeast-free, Egg-Free, and Xanthan Gum-Free Italian Bread Rolls with you and did I say, they only take 20 minutes? No yeast, no rising and so easy to make. This amazing dough is also perfect patted out thin for flatbread or pizza crust. Scroll down to see my new Pizza crust u

Savoring Saturdays, Summer Berry Gluten-Free Desserts and more

Welcome back to Savoring Saturdays

End of the summer means berry picking! I loved picking berries as a kid and I still adore anything made with berries in it. 

If you're a berry lover like I am, Elle's roundup of 50 Summer Berry Gluten-Free Desserts will give you lots of great ways to use those beautiful berries.

If you overindulged a bit this summer like I did, I'm sharing my Skinny Banana Yogurt Pudding with Chia that's low in calories and big on taste. It's the perfect way to cut back on high-calorie breakfasts or late-night snacks. I've made it many times with berries instead of banana and it's awesome.

My favorite recipe from last week is Sandi's Gluten-Free Raspberry Zucchini Loaf. It's dairy-free, vegan, refined sugar-free! The loaf reminds me of my old favorite, raspberries muffins, but this looks much healthier. I can't wait to try it out. 

Did you have fun this summer? We had a great time with friends and family visiting. It was a crazy hot, rainy summer, but I'm always sad to see it go!

Here's what we have been up to:
